Creg Quay Marina Inc.
21240, 80e avenue - Box 30, Bainsville, ON K0C 1E0
Phone : 613-347-2705
Email | Website
VHF 68 Sector St. Lawrence River Total berths 160
Transient docks
25 Visitor dock location
Reciprocity privileges
Maximum length
80 feet Minimum depth
8 feet
Latitude 45°09'50.1''N Longitude 74°25'15.5''W
Language of service English, French Accepted payment Debit, Credit, Cash
Electricity 20A, 30A, 50A Fuel Gasoline , Diesel Wi-Fi Access to mobility-impaired people Water Ice Restrooms Showers Laundry room Masting crane Pump out Outdoor storage
Approach and navigation aids Marina description Located on the north shore of Lake St. Francis in Ontario. This wide basin is protected by raised earth mounds and offer good quality services.
Approach Marked channel starting from red buoy D30.
Approaches, launching ramps and haul-out equipment
Launching ramp : Yes
Detail :Open to everyoneLaunching ramp pricing : 30.00$Hydraulic haul-out trailer : YesHydraulic trailer capacity : 20 tonnes Straddle carrier : No
Current weather
Max / Min /
Restaurants, stores and services On site : Recreation and activities On site :